We encourage all EPs and APs to regularly look at the HCPC and BPS codes of conduct as these are the staring points of good practice in our profession. They are clear, comprehensive and frequently updated.
The HCPC Code of Conduct, Performance and Ethics can be found by clicking here.
The standards of proficiency for Practitioner Psychologists can be found here.
The HCPC Regulations around holding professional indemnity insurance can be found by clicking here.
For Educational Psychologists who hold Chartered status, or who wish to apply for Chartered status, the BPS offer advice that can be found by clicking here.
The BPS advice on advancing ethical practice (and additional links to other support documents) can be found by clicking here.
If you are interested in becoming an Assistant Psychologist with EdPsychs Ltd, you must be a Graduate Member of the BPS, and you can learn more by clicking here.