EP CPD sessions

EPs often request meet ups, CPD opportunities and training sessions, which we are happy to provide and host. These sessions are optional, free for all EPs supporting EdPsychs' schools to attend, and EPs have an agreed understanding that we contribute in a positive, supportive and professional manner.

The aim of the sessions is to share professional expertise, improve and develop EP practice and to make a greater contribution to the profession, education and wider society.

Confirmed upcoming sessions are:

  • 28th September: Using the lesson study model in schools. Harley Street. KM (EP).
  • 30th November: Using coaching with senior leaders and teachers in schools. Harley Street. Session run by KM (EP) and JH (EP).
  • 25th January: Equalities and Inclusion in EP practice Part 1. Promoting equality and inclusion in EP practice: legislation and frameworks, multi-cultural awareness, bilingualism, EP assessments. Highgate. Session run by ET (EP).
  • 15th February: ‘Life Compass’ coaching training Part 1. Harley Street. Session run by Emeritus Professor IG with a team of actors.
  • 1st March: ‘Life Compass’ coaching training Part 2. Harley Street. Session run by Emeritus Professor IG with a team of actors.
  • 29th March: Equalities and Inclusion in EP practice Part 2. Promoting equality and inclusion in EP practice: inequalities and disadvantage in education, working with diverse cultures and communities, the role of the EP in promoting social justice. Highgate. Session run by ET (EP).
  • 5th April: ‘Life Compass’ coaching training Part 3. Harley Street. Session run by Emeritus Professor IG with a team of actors.
  • 26th April: Strengths based assessments. The use of positive psychology with students and teachers. Harley Street. HM (EP) and JH (EP).
  • 23rd May: Attachment Theory Day 1. 'Recognition, potential causes and psychological theories and models'. Harley Street. Session run by LW (EP).
  • 24th May: Attachment Theory Day 2. 'Assessment tools, interventions, support, evaluation and evidence-based practice'. Harley Street. You must have attended day 1 to attend day 2 as they are follow on sessions. Session run by LW (EP).

Evidence based practice days

Additional days on evidence-based practice have been requested by a number of EPs. In advance of these days, EdPsychs have collated and summarised all EP recommendations advanced by EPs supporting the company over the last 10 years.

These will be streamlined into sections, placed within the EP portal and there are additional sections in each area with up-to-date research findings and associated research materials. They are available to all EPs advancing 40 days or more support to the company each year.

EPs can request additional meet ups to discuss the company’s CPD base around what works when supporting students in schools, and to add additional thinking and expertise to the (growing) evidence base that we use.


In addition, all EPs supporting EdPsychs' schools have an open invitation to join any SAP and AP training day. Each day runs from 9am to 5pm with breaks and lunch built in. Confirmed upcoming sessions are:

Each day runs from 9am to 5pm and you will need to be available for the full session. Please contact Tereza (Business Manager) if you would like to attend any session and she will reserve a place for you.


This year EdPsychs have 17 APs and 7 Senior APs employed by the company. TEPs can attend SAP and EP training days. All training is based on the EdPsychs’ cognitive learning structures model and the social development models for APs and SAPs are interleaved throughout the process. The full AP/SAP training program is

    • 22nd August: APs. Welcome to EdPsychs for new APs. Introduction: EdPsychs’ expectations and core values. Thinking about your core values, problem-based teaching, the role of an AP and an EP, evidence-based practice and where to find key information. The BPS and HCPC Codes of Conduct. The AP journey and the nature of informed consent. Developing philosophical questioning skills and critical reasoning skills. Introducing the EdPsychs’ gifted, talented and able skills curriculum. Highgate. JH (EP) and MC (TEP) and SOH (TEP).
    • 23rd August: APs. Part 1: What is good mental health? What does the research say? What do mentally healthy people do? When were you happiest? The company book club and key reading materials. Part 2: Anxiety, assessments and using evidence-based interventions. Using an IFF in case analysis and to support your EP. Baselining and tracking impact and effectiveness. Highgate. Session run by JH (EP) and SOH (TEP).
    • 24th August: APs. Dyslexia, theory, background and evidence-based AP interventions to support reading, spelling, phonics and reading comprehension skills. Systemic models of support and helping teachers develop a dyslexia friendly classroom. Highgate. Session run by JH (EP) and SOH (TEP).
    • 28th August: APs. The Code of Practice and the graduated response model. Using the graduated response model to help schools use their resources more effectively. How EdPsychs’ EPs build provision maps and develop high quality SEN provision in schools using systemic, whole school approaches that are externally audited. Measuring impact and long-term evaluation structures. Highgate. Session run by KM (EP).
    • 29th August: APs. Baselining, tracking and measuring impact. How EdPsychs’ EPs use literacy, numeracy, SEMH, ADHD and ASD screeners to build personalised, tracked programmes of support. Initial introduction to P4C and developing an ongoing understanding of the voice of the child. Highgate. Session run by JH (EP).
    • 30th August: APs. FRIENDs for Life training. Highgate. Session run by two EPs from ‘Psychology Tree’.
    • 30th August: SAPs. Introduction to coaching and supervision approaches. Using the EdPsychs’ ‘seven layers of supervision’ model for APs. Using motivational coahing techniques in your work. Highgate. Session run by JH (EP).
    • August: APs. Cognitive Behavioural Approaches in Education at Tier 2 Level Part 1. Highgate. Session run by JM (EP).
    • 31st August: SAPs. Using the consultation approach effectively in EP practice. Using the EdPsychs’ SFBT consultation model. Using coaching models effectively within consultations. Building baselining, tracking and evaluations into consultations. Highgate. Session run by JH (EP).
    • 3rd September: APs and SAPs. Training to Train Training session 1. Using cognitive learning models to build high quality training using EdPsychs’ models. GDPR session 1: keeping clients’ data safe and reviewing the EdPsychs’ GDPR policy. Using the online portals and libraries. Highgate. Sessions run by AB (IT), KM (EP) and JH (EP).
    • 4th September: APs and SAPs. Using solution focused brief therapy in schools. Joint work around the EP/AP supervision model. Highgate. Session run by KM (EP).
    • 5th September: APs. Mindfulness 1. Introduction to MAP. Highgate. Session run by JM (EP).
    • 5th September: SAPs. Core Skills for Successful Difficult Conversations. Highgate. SG, Educational Leadership Coach, supported by a team of actors.
    • 28th September: APs. Part 1: Ethical and Professional Practice: doing the right thing. Part 2: Negotiation skills: using negotiation skills to promote best practice and ethical conduct. Highgate. Session run by Emeritus Professor IG.
    • 19th October: APs and SAPs. Training to Train Training session 2. Using evidence-based practice in the classroom. Highgate. KM (EP), TM (TV presenter) and JH (EP).
    • 16th November: APs and SAPs. Training to Train Training session 3. Using evidence-based practice in the classroom. Highgate. KM (EP), TM (TV presenter) and JH (EP).
    • 30th November: APs. Mindfulness 2. Review of using MAP in schools to date. Case review. Next MAP sessions and then a Q and A session. Highgate. Session run by JM (EP).
    • 13th December: APs and SAPs. Training to Train Training session 4. Using evidence-based practice in the classroom. Highgate. KM (EP), TM (TV presenter) and JH (EP).
    • 13th December: AP and SAP evening dinner. Islington.
    • 14th December: APs and SAPs. TEP Q and A day. Highgate. Session run by SOH (TEP) and two other guest TEPs.
    • 26th January: APs and SAPs. TEP Q and A day. Highgate. Session run by SOH (TEP) and two other guest TEPs.
    • 15th February: APs. Cognitive Behavioural Approaches in Education at Tier 2 Level Part 2. Highgate. Session run by JM (EP).
    • 5th April: APs. Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches with Groups. Highgate. Session run by AC (EP).
    • 26th April: SAPs. Cognitive Behavioural Approaches in Education Part 1. Vignettes and case analysis. SAPs will be split into two groups of 4. One group will work directly with JM and the second group will complete peer supervision and case analysis and the groups then switch around. Highgate. Session run by JM (EP).
    • 24th May: SAPs. Cognitive Behavioural Approaches in Education Part 2. Vignettes and case analysis. SAPs will be split into two groups of 4. One group will work directly with JM and the second group will complete
    • peer supervision and case analysis and the groups then switch around. Highgate. Session run by JM (EP).
    • 21st June: SAPs. Cognitive Behavioural Approaches in Education Part 3. Vignettes and case analysis. SAPs will be split into two groups of 4. One group will work directly with JM and the second group will complete peer supervision and case analysis and the groups then switch around. Highgate. Session run by JM (EP).
    • 12th July: SAPs and APs. Full year evaluation (Harley Street) and then the end of year evening dinner in Islington.

EdPsychs will run a number of additional Saturday sessions for EPs, APs and SAPs. The dates for these have still to be confirmed. These will be on:

      • Using spiritual listening, P4C and the voice of the child in psychology. Emeritus Professor IG.
      • Using Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) in schools. SF (TEP).
      • Running ‘Zones of Regulation’ in schools. KM (EP) and SOH (TEP).
      • Running the ‘Happiness Curriculum’ in schools. ED (SAP)
      • The role of philosophy in applied psychology. TBC.
      • EdPsychs’ ‘Study skills’ and ‘Prepare to succeed’ training courses. TBC.

All sessions run throughout the year are free for EPs registered with EdPsychs Ltd and for APs, SAPs and TEPs employed by EdPsychs Ltd

Requested sessions by EPs are (dates TBC)

  • Using coaching in schools with staff and students
  • Using CBT in a group situation in schools
  • Multicultural awareness and cultural competence: definitions, purpose, reflections and experience
  • Further work on developing coaching in EP work
  • Issues around equalities in education: disadvantages in statistics
  • Theories and reflections on racial identity development and psychology in Africa
  • Working with diverse cultures: race, religion, LGBTQ communities
  • EP assessments and bilingualism: issues and caveats The EP role in challenging organisational discrimination: scenarios, case studies, vignettes and scrips
  • Further work around advancing evidence based intervention in school 

AP training days

All EPs supporting EdPsychs' schools have an open invitation to join any AP training day.

A full list of AP training days can be found by clicking here

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